Episode 26

The One About Reaching Level 44 [Part Two]

Published on: 11th July, 2024

This week's episode is part two of three, in which I share a whole lotta wisdom in the lead up to my 44th birthday. These are my key insights, aka the things you need to know.

[note: I thought that this was going to be one episode but as I explained last week it ended being a VERY long episode. So you get to experience it in three shorter episodes.]

In this part I share life lessons number 9 -23 of 44.

Listen now to hear:

  • Why they call Ebonie Alchemy and what alchemy is.
  • The subtle difference between outsourcing your pain and using it to transform, and how not to get stuck pointlessly paying people to 'navel gaze'
  • How not having the things you want has everything to do with attention, and how as an ADHD person you get to shift this.
  • Proof that magic is more logical than logic can ever be
  • Why I harp on about 'embodiment' and what connection to your body will give you that no one, and nothing else can.

Plus I share the key to activating your internal GPS so that you end up exactly where you want to be.


Next Steps:

If you are ready to take your first next step, I invite you to get your Value Filter, which I lovingly refer to as YOUR COMPASS. It's my signature tool and a prerequisite for all my other programs.

To find out more, and activate your inner GPS go here: https://www.ebonieallard.com/the-value-filter

The True Self Training that I refer to in this episode is here: https://www.ebonieallard.com/true-self-training

If you're curious about your Human Design, you can get your free 'Embody your Design' chart and Report worth £49 for free as a gift HERE

If you are looking to get The Kismet Codes Oracle Deck, go here: https://www.ebonieallard.com/kismet-codes-deck-one

To talk to Ebonie about anything in this episode you can whatsapp her or DM her on Instagram.

If you have enjoyed the podcast, please rate, subscribe and leave us a review as it really helps more people find us. Thank you. If you leave a review and send me a screenshot I’ll send you a £10 credit note to use at www.eboniealchemy.com/products

Ebonie Allard:

You are listening to Adulting with Ebonie season

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seven brings together neurodiversity, Human Design and

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embodiment so that Gen X or millennial misfits, and late

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diagnosed neuro spaces become empowered, embodied and fully

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expressed. This is the show where I actively encourage you

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to feel your feelings rather than think that glow up, not

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grow up and become full of yourself. Because who the fuck

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asked should you be full of each week I have real and raw

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conversations about what it takes to be fully resourced and

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have happy, healthy, intimate relationships as a dopamine

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deficient adult wanting to create a better future by being

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the change that you want to see in the world. I'm your host

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Ebonie Allard aka Ebonie Alchemy and late diagnosed AudHDer

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combined type and aspergers in case you like specifics. Artist,

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mystic and self actualization facilitator. I'm an

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international award winning multiple brain integration

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technique master coach with special interest in embodied

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human design for Neuro divergence. I've been in the

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personal development creativity and entrepreneurship spaces all

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of my life and as a five to emotional manifesting generator

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with a left angle cross of distraction. I am here to help

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you know what to trust, and what to tune out each week I share

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relatable practical ways that mean, you get to take less

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responsibility for more award and safely remove your

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camouflage for more belonging, acceptance, and fulfillment.

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Ready? Let's go.

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Number nine. So very often, you might hear me talking about

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alchemy. Or I might say, Let's alchemize hash it. And when I'm

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saying alchemize that shit, what I really mean is let's turn or

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whatever it is that's going on for you into gold, let's turn it

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into fertilizer actually, right? Like if it is shit, if it's not

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serving you, we get to give it to Gaia, we get to let go of it

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so that it can be fertilizer for new growth for something new and

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the shittier, the more active that fertilization and the more

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something really potent and powerful can grow. And talk

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about what alchemy is later, but you get to alchemize your ship

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and use it as fertilizer to grow into something else. Number 10.

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I am not anyone's guru. I'm not your guru. And what I mean by

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that is that as a five line particularly but as a five, two,

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and as somebody who is has got a motorized throat who is self

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assured who has an opinion on things. I mean, there are some

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things I have no opinion on open head openers now. But as

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somebody who people like to project on as well, like, you

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know, I have a defined Wealth Center, I am strong in my

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sovereign, which means that people can very easily return to

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me or look to me for support or permission or pedestal me or

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idolize me. And a lot of my work has really been about seeing

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that and acknowledging it but not giving it any weight. not

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noticing whether people love me or not noticing whether people

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hate me, not allowing myself to be projected on or take on the

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projections of others. But to really stick to and connect to

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being my own guru and being my own authority and knowing my own

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parameters of what I am here to support and help people with

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like what is in my remit and what isn't and I highly

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recommend you doing the same. Whether or not you're a five to

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whether or not you have a defined Wilson like none of that

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stuff matters. Being the authority on you, knowing your

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own remit. Not getting involved in other people's drama is a

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really, really important life lesson. And that takes us to

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number 11 don't outsource your pain. Now. I have been

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absolutely guilty of this one which is rather than feeling my

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feelings rather than just being in the pain and the discomfort

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or the trauma of being a human being and going through some of

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the experiences that life has for us. It is a lot easier to

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outsource the pain and what I mean when I say that is find a

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therapist find some shadow work find a plant medicine find a

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something that you can outsource your pain to that you can rather

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than feeling it rather than processing Rather than feeling

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it to heal it really, you are trying to outsource that part.

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And there is no outsourcing of your pain, you cannot pay anyone

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enough money to feel your feelings for you. You have to,

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if you would like to grow to alkalize, to move to shift, feel

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your feelings rather than think them and sit with your own pain.

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And in pain, there is always some thing for us, there was

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always a gift, there's always some insight or wisdom. And you

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get to claim that rather than attempting to give your power

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away and give it to somebody else, which leads me to Number

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12, which is that nobody is coming to save you. And I love

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to tell the story of the man who thought that God was going to

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come and save him. And this is a story about a town flooding. And

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a man climbing up his house and sitting on his roof. And you

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know, the water rising and rising and rising, and everybody

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else leaving the town and him his neighbors arriving and being

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in their boat and saying, Hey, we're going this space for you,

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would you like to come? And the guy saying no, no, it's okay,

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God's gonna save me. And then the next boat in the next boat?

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No, no, it's okay, God's gonna save me. And then otter rising

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and rising. And him looking up and seeing a plane or a

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helicopter or rope out of the sky and into somebody offering

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him an opportunity to escape and him saying no, it's okay, God's

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gonna save me. And then him drowning, ending up in heaven.

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And the band being very angry with God and saying, you know,

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why am I here? You said you would save me. And God saying,

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Well, I sent you a boat, I sent you a helicopter I sent you. I

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sent you this anywhere that gave you lots of opportunities, and

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you chose not to take them. And yeah, nobody's gonna save you.

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Right? You get to recognize the opportunity, you get to save

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yourself with support. But you have to recognize the

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opportunity, there is no being saved without you agreeing to it

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and saying yes, and choosing to make the leap into the boat,

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climb that rope ladder up into the helicopter or whatever,

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okay. And number 13, it gets to be easy. What I mean by that is

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you get to take the path of least resistance. Now we grew up

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in a society where very often we were told to work on the thing

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that we're the weakest at, you know, make sure we're on you

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know, you're only as strong as the weakest link, or you've got

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to work on your Achilles heel. And I actually think that that's

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wrong. It's fine when we want every single person to work

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completely independently and autonomously. And we were

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designed to live and work in synergy with one another. And

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that means that we get to be good at the things that we're

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good at. We get to enjoy the stuff that we enjoy, and we get

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to work with one another and be interdependent in a really

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beautiful way rather than codependent and codependence

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comes when we are not recognizing our own value and

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not offering our gifts to the world. In some ways, right?

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There's a lot more to nuance, etc. Okay? But it gets to be

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easy. Mean means not that there's no effort involved, but

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that you get to follow what is easeful for you, you get to take

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the path or get to choose the path of least resistance. 14 is

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intention and attention. So particularly those of us who are

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squirrel brained it is and this isn't a this is something that

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is not going away, the more and more and more attention it like

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things that grab our attention, the more and more information

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the more and more the world speeds up. It's part of

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evolution that there is going to be a lot of things taking or

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Trump vying for our attention all of the time. One of the

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biggest gifts or biggest skills that you need to survive as a

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healthy, healthy, happy adult, is the ability to focus your

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attention in a place of all your Yeah, focus your attention in a

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place of your choosing and desire and that is why we

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meditate that is why we work on our mindset. Mindset alone isn't

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necessarily going to help you. There's body stuff that needs to

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happen with that there are all sorts of nervous system things

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that might be going on. That mean that mindset work on its

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own isn't gonna work. However, being and working on the skill

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of being the bouncer of your own mind and choosing which thoughts

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you have, or don't have, and let in and give space and time to is

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a really important adulting skill, as is being able to align

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your intention and your attention. Now, when you have an

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intention, whether it is to make a certain amount of money in

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your business, whether it is to have a certain amount of time

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off, whether it is to drink, don't lose some weight, run a

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marathon, be in a relationship, whatever it is, that you your

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intention is, if your attention is not aligned with that, then

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your behavior is not going to be in aligned with that. And so,

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and days will pass months will pass, you will continue to not

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have the thing that you intended, because your attention

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was elsewhere. And so one of the most important things that you

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can work on, rather than what do I do What how how, how, right,

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which I see people do a lot is the how is focus your attention

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and make it in line with your intention. Everything else will

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follow from that 15 logic isn't logical magic is.

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Logic is one of the ways that your saboteur shows up is very,

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very good at being rational and logical thing is, life is not

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logical. It's not linear time is not linear, nothing makes sense.

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Nothing about being alive makes sense at all. The very fact that

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you are alive is completely illogical. It is magic, you are

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a miracle, there was a ridiculous chance in you

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trillions for you to be here on this planet at this time to have

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made it and to still be alive. It's fucking incredible, right?

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You are a miracle. You are not logical. You're not illogical

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being and you are made of minerals, you are a creature of

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this incredible planet. And magic is the most logical thing.

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And we get to focus on the magic, we get to focus on all

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the things that have worked, all the miracles that have happened

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or the times that things have worked out, rather than focusing

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on Well, that's just not logical. When we do what our

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sacral often or our spleen knows in the moment or what our body

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wisdom is guiding us towards, then we will get the life that

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we desire will get an incredible experience a rich experience.

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Logic is our head brain. And it is making meaning and

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perceiving, rationalizing and attempting to survive all of the

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time. Logic is not logical. Magic is 16 breath is free

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medicine. Now. You know, I'm really, really glad that

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breathwork has gotten the popularity, popularity that it

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has in recent years. And it's not all about by breath or

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connected. Whatever. Whatever, doesn't need a fancy name,

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doesn't need to be lying on a mat doesn't need to be a big

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therapeutic experience doesn't need to be a huge release. And

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all of those things are awesome in the right time and place.

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However, just noticing your breath is medicine. There will

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be healing for you in bringing new oxygen into your body and

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allowing stagnant oxygen, oxygen and everything else within your

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system to leave. Breath is free medicine, you can always breathe

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it doesn't matter where you are, whether you have money or not.

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Whether you are being looked at or not. Whether you are alone or

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not. Whether you are on an aeroplane or in a left you can

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breathe. So breathe breathing is a really really important

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powerful, free easy go to source of everyday alchemy. Talking of

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which number 17 is 101 ways to alchemize a your body and using

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your body and your body as a gift from Gaia. Okay, what do I

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mean by that? Well, I have a program training called 101 ways

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to optimize and send me a message somewhere if you want me

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to send you the link to that 101 ways to alchemize literally

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gives you 101 ways I think there's a few more in the ways

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that you can state shift in any given moment. Now in our energy

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body wisdom which links to numerology which links together

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the frequencies of the universe, the universal laws like all of

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the things together, they're kind of the language of the

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unseen hand of Kismet and of this whole experience of being a

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spiritual being having a human experience, we have energy

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bodies, and the fifth energy body is the physical body. And

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our fifth physical body is how we alchemize by how by state

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shifting, and we get to state shift by changing our

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environment, changing our temperature, changing our

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beliefs and our thoughts. And moving Generally, I like all of

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the stuff that we get to do is in the body, and that body is

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made up a lot of systems, right, we've got our central nervous

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system and the all of the you know, all of these different

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parts and nerves and autonomic and thought about and controlled

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parts of being a human being. And it is such a gift of being a

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human being on planet Earth that we have a body. And there are

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101 ways minimum, to alchemize a bit like there's like 100

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different ways to use gaffa tape, there are 101 different

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ways to use your body to state shift to change your reality

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like that. Number 18. A victim or creator mode, okay, so the

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way that we are designed as humans is that when we are in

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pain, or when there is a problem, we want to fix it and

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we're looking to fix the problem or the solution, you know, find

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the solution as quickly as possible, because we don't want

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to be in pain, whether that is physical, mental, emotional,

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anguish, and pain in whatever sort of way. The way that we are

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designed is that we will look for the solution to the problem.

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Now the awesome thing about being human is that if we don't

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know something, we are autonomically and kind of

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universally designed to learn. And so if we don't know how to

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do something, we will learn how to do it. And that's really,

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really cool. Because it means that we are incredible learners

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and creators, we can learn and create almost anything if we

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wanted to. If we stay on top, I mean, we built Stonehenge, we

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built the pyramids, we like we're talking incredible

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creators, right. But when we're focused on a problem to fix, as

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soon as that problem is fixed, we stop or as soon as a pain is

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there, no more we stop. And what we create from victim mode from

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ouch mode is something very short term, and not very

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innovative, or fun or exciting or great. And as soon as we are

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then satiated, and we're no longer in pain, we get

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comfortable, we just stay there, which means that nothing cool or

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new is happening. And very often the way that we reach kind of

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satiation or not pain isn't actually pleasure isn't actually

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incredible. It just it worked. And it didn't kill us. And it

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took us out of pain. Now when we move into creator mode, like

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what do I actually want to create, rather than what's the

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problem, I'm trying to solve it, then we can be in innovation,

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then we can create something new, then pyramids get built,

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right Stonehenge happens. And so I want you to check in from time

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to time are you living your life from victim mode? Or from

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creator mode? Are you living your life in that urgent and

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important quoter quadrant of your life all the time? Right?

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Are you firefighting all the time? Or are you actually

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focusing on that which you desire to leave as your legacy

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19 You get to rewrite the story. You are the author and the

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narrative maker, the director of your life, you get to choose

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which edit, you get to rewrite the story, you get to look at

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the experiences you've had up until this point, and you get to

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tell the story as as if you were the hero or heroine rather than

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the victim perpetrator. Yeah, or anything else, right? Like it is

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your story. And there are 1000 different perspectives and

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different ways of telling that story. And one of the most

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empowering things that you could possibly do for yourself is to

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look at where you are in your life. rewrite the story so that

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it's more empowering for you now and decide is this the end of

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the chapter or is it just the beginning? Is this the bit where

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the main person has a whole plot twist? You know, is your book

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short? Is it long? Is it exciting? Is it boring? How you

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know? You get to be the author? Number 20. I have a training

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called the true self training and it really is an exercise in

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parts integration because you are made up of multiple parts

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and there are Many, many different parts of you. And one

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of the reasons that I love working with archetypes so much

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is because they are characters and relatable kind of the air,

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because symbols and archetypes that have been around for

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millennia, and that we can all relate to in some way. And in

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the true self training, you get to look at your different parts,

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you get to look at your inner rebel, you get to look at your

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inner child, and you get to recognize which part is your

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true self. And this is really important that kind of coming

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back to who you are, and what these different parts are saying

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to you and not trying to suppress or get rid of any of

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our different parts, but integrate them and allow

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yourself to recognize when you're operating from love, or

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when you're operating from fear. When you're trying to keep

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yourself safe or when you are ready to grow and expand. The

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best way to do that is to get really aware of all your

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different parts. And it's only when you recognize your true

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self that you can become full of yourself because you can't be

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full of yourself. If you don't know who you are. 21

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affirm your true nature. This is the premise of all of my work, I

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don't want to change who you are, I want you to get to know

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who you are and I want to fit I want for you to fall in love

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with that I want to use for you to feel validated in that I want

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for you to feel affirmed in your true nature. And then I want to

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give you the ability and the choice to shift and change and

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to alchemize for polarity or for harmony to create sparkie

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attraction, or repel or to create harmony. And that is

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something that is really, really important is for you to

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understand your true nature and affirm it for yourself. Nobody I

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mean other people can help affirm you. And that's a

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beautiful thing. And the most powerful thing that you can do

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is affirm your own true nature. 22 is I want to talk a little

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bit about healer and warrior and integrating our own yin and yang

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masculine and feminine Sun, Moon whatever we want to call these

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different parts of us and this isn't a divine feminine divine

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masculine thing. It is really about understanding that these

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different elements within us these different aspects of us

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are always looking to work together in harmony with one

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another and for each other. And the divine feminine and the

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healer part is is not a trophy is not idea to be hung on a wall

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it is a it's very much your divine feminine, it's very much

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whether you are a man or a woman, it's very much about

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being in connection with your body. And the divine feminine is

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not just sweetness and light and surrender. She's animal, you

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know your body is a healer. And it to be in your feminine is to

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be in your body. Because the body knows how to birth the body

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knows how to create new life the body knows everything. And our

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feminine regardless of whether we are a man or woman is in our

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body. Books of knowledge exist because men and the masculine

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and I talk very broadly and widely need to write down

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information in order to remember it and come back to it and to

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sort it into hierarchy and to understand it and put order to

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it which is awesome and very helpful. Cataloging and

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hierarchy is a great thing and it's part of our inner masculine

Ebonie Allard:

part of our warrior and order and strategy right these are all

Ebonie Allard:

wonderful, wonderful things. And feminine wisdom is irregular,

Ebonie Allard:

it's spoken it's felt and it's known and remembered in the

Ebonie Allard:

waters of the body, the stone of the body right stones hold

Ebonie Allard:

memory water holds memory, we are made of minerals we are made

Ebonie Allard:

of water, everything you've ever known and your ancestors have

Ebonie Allard:

known before you is in your body and the more disconnected from

Ebonie Allard:

your body you are the less you know and more connected to your

Ebonie Allard:

body or the more you know 23 Is your compass and your value

Ebonie Allard:

filter. Now you need to have an internal GPS and when that one

Ebonie Allard:

of the reasons why the value filter is a prerequisite for

Ebonie Allard:

working with me, is because it is your internal compass and you

Ebonie Allard:

can be as lost as Alice in Wonderland. If you don't know

Ebonie Allard:

where you're going, then you will go, depending, you'll go

Ebonie Allard:

wherever you end up, right? If you want to go somewhere, in

Ebonie Allard:

particular, then you need to know where you're going in order

Ebonie Allard:

to know where you're going, you need a compass. And that is why

Ebonie Allard:

it's so so important for you to do the value filter or to have

Ebonie Allard:

the value filter, it's for you to have your own internal

Ebonie Allard:

compass because when you've got your own internal compass, then

Ebonie Allard:

you can be your own authority. And rather than just going

Ebonie Allard:

somewhere you can go somewhere out well. This has been Adulting

Ebonie Allard:

with Ebonie, I've been Ebonie, you've been great. Thank you so

Ebonie Allard:

much for all of your support. Please keep listening, liking

Ebonie Allard:

rating and sharing so that more people can enjoy and engage with

Ebonie Allard:

us. Go to www dot Ebonieallard.com forward slash

Ebonie Allard:

welcome for more and I will see you next time.

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About the Podcast

Adulting with Ebonie
Your weekly dose of introspection and contemplation on what it means and takes to be a conscious, creative adult with a misfit mind.
Adulting with Ebonie is the weekly podcast that brings together Neurodiversity, Human Design and Embodiment so that Gen X or Millennial Misfits (and late-diagnosed Neurospices) become empowered, embodied and fully expressed. Where I actively encourage you to feel your feelings rather than think them, glow up not grow up and become full of yourself, because who the f*ck else should you be full of? Each week I have real and raw conversations about what it takes to be fully resourced and have happy healthy intimate relationships as a dopamine-deficient adult wanting to create a better future by being the change you want to see in the world.
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Ebonie Allard

Ebonie (Alchemy) Allard is a Modern Mystic, a Misfit turned Maven, an Award winning International Master Coach, Certified in Human Design and mBit (Multiple Brain Integration Technique) an Author, Artist and Speaker.

Professionally: She’s the creator of The Misfit to Maven Way, The Value Filter™ system and ‘The AWE (Adulting with Ebonie) Podcast.’

Using a wide range of both ancient and modern medicine she facilitates Self Actualisation in self-selected weirdos and neurodivergent beings.

Her work is specifically focused on empowerment, embodiment & full self-expression.

She shares her wisdom in online courses, intimate retreats and bespoke 1:1 experiences.

Personally: She's a pussycat slash mermaid - when she’s not working you’ll find her splashing about in the sea, curled up in a sunny spot or off chasing a rainbow.